
The program to care about the students of remote districts promoted by the Ministry of Education went to 風櫃 Elementary School located in澎湖 for its first stop yesterday. It met and greeted the minister of MOE 蔣偉寧 with its features of dragon dance and the tour of center for marine resources. Minister 蔣 the said teaching materials featuring by the districts can be used by other schools. For instance, the one teaching about the nature by 風櫃 Elementary School can be utilized.

2. 不洗手就卸戴隱形眼鏡,對眼球是一大傷害,大同大學工業設計系學生調整隱形眼鏡的包裝材質,改用軟式材質包裝,反搓就成為戴隱形眼鏡的手指套,手指與眼球間多一層防護更衛生,降低眼睛感染風險。這項設計概念獲選今年德國iF設計獎前100名作品。

Wearing contact lenses without washing hands is a big harm for eyeballs. The students of Department of Industrial Design, 大同 University adjust the packing material of contact lenses to soft one called finger contact. It will become a fingerstall when the users rub their hands which provides more secure conditions for the eyes. With the creativity, this design was selected for the top one hundred works in International Forum Design in Germany this year.


The school lunch vendors are thinking about raising the prices of their supply because of the recent price hike. 雲林 County Government clearly expressed its standpoint of refusing them to increase the prices in public elementary schools and junior high schools. Additionally, the government will monthly subsidize the wage of the cooks working for small-scale schools to save the cost of the schools.

4. 為了讓孩子安全快樂長大,新北市社會局和靖娟兒童安全文教基金會合作舉辦「兒童安全動體驗」宣導活動,從4月10號起一連三天在板橋火車站地下1樓,以實境體驗空間,告訴孩童「路要慢慢走、樓梯抓扶手、書包雙肩背、尖銳不可拿、手不放口袋」的安全不倒翁口訣。

Bureau of Social Affairs of New Taipei City Government cooperates with 靖娟 Chindren’ s Safety and Cultural Foundation to hold a promotion for dynamic checkup for children’s safety which will take place on the first floor of 板橋 train station for three days. By the experiencing space of reality, it tells the children that walking slowly, holding an armrest, carrying a backpack with two shoulders, avoiding touching sharp-pointed things and keeping the hands outside pockets are important for staying safety.

5. 漢光教育基金會主辦的「外籍人士說國語演講比賽」,即日起到5月11號受理報名。今年活動以「華言俏語」為主題,挑戰外籍朋友是否能夠咬文嚼字、出口成章,如果外籍朋友可以讓人捧腹大笑,又能夠吟詩誦詞,就有機會贏得新臺幣6萬元的最高獎金!詳情資訊可到活動專屬網站查詢。

The Chinese speech competition for people with foreign nationalities sponsored by 漢光Educational Foundation will start its application from now on through May 11th. Taking magnificent words and delightful sentences as main theme, the participants will be challenged by the ability of language. The one who can let people laugh as well as recite poetry may win the biggest prize of sixty thousand dollars. For more information, please check the website of the event.

6. 準大學新鮮人選擇學校時的重要指南《普林斯頓評論》,4月3號發表「全美三百大傑出教授」名單。這項排名主要針對學生進行調查,並且綜合RateMyProfessors.com這個網站資料作為依據,挑選全美最有教學能力與熱誠、最能啟發學生思維的教授。然而,這種單面向、只以學生角度審視教學的方法,是否能夠反應教授實際的教學品質,許多教育專家持保留態度。

The Princeton Review, an important guide for freshmen to choose their future schools, reveals the name list of the top three hundred outstanding professors in U.S in April 3rd. The result of placement is led by the students with the reference of information on “RateMyProfessors.com” which picks up the ones with the best teaching abilities, the most passion and the power of developing their students’ thinking. However, the result is evaluated by the viewpoints of students so that the real teaching quality of the prizewinners still remains in doubt by many educational experts.

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